Saturday, November 5, 2016

Individual Resource Evaluation, Part 1

Druskat, V. U., & Wolff, S. B. (2001). Building the emotional intelligence of groups. Harvard business review, 79(3), 80-91.

The author is Vanessa Urch and it is from google scholar so the information from this article is legitimate. The article shows extensive research on the importance of having emotional intelligence in a team.
The publisher is Harvard Business School which shows how genuine the information is written.
The author is a Harvard graduate and one important quote that will help us in our project states that, "By now most executives have accepted that emotional intelligence is as critical as IQ to an individuals effectiveness" (Urch, Pg.81) This states how within a team having someone with great emotional intelligence can greatly allow the team to grow and better work together as you come to understand one another.
The article relies on extensive research with teams who have worked together and use collective data. The information is accurate as it has been proven with results in research. The author uses graphs and charts to explain why emotional intelligence is important in a team.

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