Saturday, November 19, 2016

four ethical consideration

Four of the most common ethical consideration that a team in a medical field will face is
1. Obligations in each team members field
2. Relationships with each other
3. Accepting the different knowledge that each team members have and not be inconsiderate if you feel you have more knowledge than another team member.
4. Knowing how to work together with different backgrounds and beliefs
In a team you have to be willing to open up to different method on how to work together. In a medical team you have a team of different experience and backgrounds and understanding of each of their roles can better help avoid ethical conflicts.Knowing where your relationship stand can avoid ethical conflict because it allows you to better understand with your team member if you know how comfortable you are with the relationship you are having with your team member. Overall, knowing how to understand each other better and empathy with the different ideas that your team members have to offer can help build a better team.

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