Saturday, September 24, 2016

W5HW4 Project #1

While doing this project I have learned a new way to write. I have always wrote essays regularly and on a variety of different topics, however, this was a new and refreshing way to expand my knowledge in writing. What I feel most proud of is the amount of effort I put into every single instructions. What I am also proud of is that I took the time to learn about a new application in a new and unique way. I feel as if I learned more about this application than simply just using it because I am applying what I learned about the different feature it offered and put it into written instructions. I have used many different applications that I was not too familiar with. For example I had no idea how to use google drawing. I also did not know how to crop different images and how to copy and paste them into a project. I found these tools to be useful because it helped to make the pictures that I was working with more valuable because I could tweak the image to my liking. I was also proud of coming up with clever ways to create a written instruction project. During class I was intrigued by the many ways people wrote instructions. For me I liked the idea of the pictures involved with the instructions because it can navigate people a lot better than just having a written instructions about the applications. Overall, the place that I felt that I got stuck on was what type of features I should explain about in the project. I found this a bit difficult because it the goal of this project was to use an application that I was not too familiar with. This made it difficult to explain about the features in more detail because I was also barely learning how to use the application. Overall, learning about the Prezi application was something I would take me onto my future career as it consists of creating presentations for the community in which I am going work with.

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