Saturday, September 17, 2016



1. Writing grammatically correct sentences
Listed this because I had problems with my grammar. I always tend to say what I feel but learning more about writing grammatically correct sentence will help me write better papers as all my classes consist of a lot writing.

2. Compare items clearly
One of the things I have a problem is knowing how I could compare things. I always try too hard to compare every little thing and know how I can improve on that can help compare things more consitently and effectively. I had trouble because a lot of the times it was tough for me to find things that can be compared and other times do not know if any of it is related to the sane topic whatsoever. Overall, this I feel like can help me to make better judgements when I have to compare certain topics in my future class.

3. Avoid run on sentences
Sometimes I have a hard time putting every thought I have on a subject in shorter sentences. In some of my writing class in my past this is one of the things I have had trouble because I had a lot on my way when it came to a certain topic so I try writing all of it out which resulted in me creating run on sentences. I would like to imporve on this because it is important for me to not drag things out and be more to the point with my sentences. This will help me to create better papers in the future and make help me become a better writer.
4. Avoid comma splices
With this I just want to improve where I put my commas. Since I tend to write so much and run on my sentences I sometimes do not know that there are places I would need to put a comma at or not. Overall, it is not too much of a problem but it is something I would like to improve so my papers can be easier to read and understand.

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