Saturday, September 24, 2016

W5HW4 Project #1

While doing this project I have learned a new way to write. I have always wrote essays regularly and on a variety of different topics, however, this was a new and refreshing way to expand my knowledge in writing. What I feel most proud of is the amount of effort I put into every single instructions. What I am also proud of is that I took the time to learn about a new application in a new and unique way. I feel as if I learned more about this application than simply just using it because I am applying what I learned about the different feature it offered and put it into written instructions. I have used many different applications that I was not too familiar with. For example I had no idea how to use google drawing. I also did not know how to crop different images and how to copy and paste them into a project. I found these tools to be useful because it helped to make the pictures that I was working with more valuable because I could tweak the image to my liking. I was also proud of coming up with clever ways to create a written instruction project. During class I was intrigued by the many ways people wrote instructions. For me I liked the idea of the pictures involved with the instructions because it can navigate people a lot better than just having a written instructions about the applications. Overall, the place that I felt that I got stuck on was what type of features I should explain about in the project. I found this a bit difficult because it the goal of this project was to use an application that I was not too familiar with. This made it difficult to explain about the features in more detail because I was also barely learning how to use the application. Overall, learning about the Prezi application was something I would take me onto my future career as it consists of creating presentations for the community in which I am going work with.

W5HW2 Proofreading

When it came to my own writing I realized that I had to rephrase different instructions to make the reader better able to understand it. I had problems writing legible and understandable instructions and I worked through it and was able to write a lot better than I first wrote the instructions. The steps needed a bit more improvement as well and also learned how to be more concise with my instructions. For example, I sometime run on with my sentences that I did not realize that there were easier ways to explain something in a shorter phrase. That what helped me to write better instructions for this project.

Part One: Adding Frames
Step 1: On the left side of the screen click on the up and down arrows that give you the options of circle, rectangle, bracket and invisible frame.
Made more clearer instructions so they can be understood more

Step 1: Select the type of slide you want to use in your presentation

Step 2: Click on the Prezi Slides, and it will take you to the selected slide

more shorter and concise instructions

W5HW1 Emphasis

What I have learned about myself when I revised my project was that there was room for more improvement. I worked on revising my steps a bit more and also the pictures that came along with it. I realized that the more the picture looks readable the better people are able to understand the instructions that I am trying to create. I learned a new technique which involved the snipping tool that is available on my desktop which helps me to be more precise on the pictures that I am creating. Allowed me to better pinpoint important aspect of my pictures that correlates with the instructions that I am trying to explain. Overall, I had a lot of improvement on this project and overall feel good about the final draft of it.

Saturday, September 17, 2016



1. Writing grammatically correct sentences
Listed this because I had problems with my grammar. I always tend to say what I feel but learning more about writing grammatically correct sentence will help me write better papers as all my classes consist of a lot writing.

2. Compare items clearly
One of the things I have a problem is knowing how I could compare things. I always try too hard to compare every little thing and know how I can improve on that can help compare things more consitently and effectively. I had trouble because a lot of the times it was tough for me to find things that can be compared and other times do not know if any of it is related to the sane topic whatsoever. Overall, this I feel like can help me to make better judgements when I have to compare certain topics in my future class.

3. Avoid run on sentences
Sometimes I have a hard time putting every thought I have on a subject in shorter sentences. In some of my writing class in my past this is one of the things I have had trouble because I had a lot on my way when it came to a certain topic so I try writing all of it out which resulted in me creating run on sentences. I would like to imporve on this because it is important for me to not drag things out and be more to the point with my sentences. This will help me to create better papers in the future and make help me become a better writer.
4. Avoid comma splices
With this I just want to improve where I put my commas. Since I tend to write so much and run on my sentences I sometimes do not know that there are places I would need to put a comma at or not. Overall, it is not too much of a problem but it is something I would like to improve so my papers can be easier to read and understand.

W4HW5 Plan Design Revisions

The way I would revise my project is that I will have to extend the amount of instructions than what I had originally. I will also have to add more descriptive pictures because some of the pictures I had did not appeal to the person that reviewed my project draft. I will have to add more pages as of right now I have only three and I can add instructions on different features and how to go about it. I will have to edit more of the pictures of what I had so it be easier to read. Another thing I will revise on is the page layout as some of the students project I saw had more appealing format than what I had. Overall, I will add more instructions, better quality pictures and add a different format to improve my project.

W4HW4 P#1 Usability

I had my brother use my instruction and what I found most interesting was how simple it was for him to take what I had and follow the instructions. The only questions he asked me was what else did Prezi had to offer than creating slides. This made me realize that I can add a more elaborate way of working with Prezi. Some of the things i have jotted down was how engaged he was with the different types of templates Prezi had to offer. His reactions were simple and straight forward because he did not have any difficulty reading the instructions. So all in all I would change more of the pictures that I have provided and add more engaging instructions on certain features than what I have now.

W4HW3 Reflect on PR

What I have learned is figuring out new ways to create a written instructions guide with regards to the way it can be formatted. Some of these includes how some of the pictures can be configured to appeal more to the reader. This is what I felt was most important because with me when it comes to reading instructions it is more helpful when you have a visual guide and being able to create a good effective guide for your reader is beneficial. I learned that I needed to adjust and many other things to my project such as more descriptions on the feature of my application and learned ways on how to do that. I learned that there are different ways I could of done this project and found it most helpful.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

W3HW2 P#2 Outline

Three of the main functions I would to to explain is the prezi templates, pasting pictures, and the text box. Prezi is a basic presention tool that is not too difficult to work work. Some of the main feature that it has are its pasting pictures features, text tool and templates. The prezi templates provide unique visualization on how the presentation will look. For example is has a clock graphic feature where it has circles to place different types of pictures or text that you can you to create a presentation. It is mainly use for visual appeal which can help your presentation be more appealing to other you are presenting to. The pasting pictures feature allows you to paste pictures of whatever your topic you are trying to present. Lastly, the text box feature allows you to place in the boxes of your prezi presentation which allows you to convey your message. It is overall, a more simple powerpoint presentation application. 

W3HW1 P#1 Audience Analysis

Audience Profile Sheet

Readers Name: Casa De Los Ninos Bosses

Readers Job Title: Case Manager for kids in foster care

Education: Bachelors Degree

Professional Experience: Working with kids

Job Responsibility: Helping kids find a better home to live in or be put taken out of negative family environment.

Personal Characteristics: NA

Culture Characteristic: NA

Attitude toward the writer: Positive and 

Attitude toward the subject: Emotionally connected 

Expectations about the subject: Helping to promote adoption and why it is important.

Expectation about the document: Shows why it is important to help kids that are in the foster care system.

Reasons for reading the document: To offer suggestions in which to promote adoption

Way of reading the document: Read it and study it

Reading skill: Excellent

Readers physical environment: NA

Saturday, September 3, 2016

W2HW6 Researching Existing Instructions

Some of the things I read about Prezi is just how easy it is to use. I am able to develop a great presentation and provide great visuals to keep people interested in what I am saying. The 2 things I found useful about Prezi is the presentation style and the organization that it can provide. It took a simple google search to find out more about Prezi and what made it even more useful is the written instructions I found was also in a Prezi format which also helps me learn more about how to use this application. Overall, it does really well with organizing your thoughts in different projects and it looks fun to use.

W2HW5 Analyzing Example Instructions
Strength included having a list of different type of ways to work with google slides. Weaknesses a little bit cluttered and hard to find out specific instructions

Easy to read instructions. Weaknesses included not having enough to completely be able to use Google Slides.

Strength includes having great visual. Has overall good instructions. Weaknesses could not find any.

W1HW1 Chapter 3 Exercise 3

Proofread the following paragraph.

People who have federal student loan can apply for program from the Department of Education that is intended to give relief to former students with moderate incomes by sketching the payments out over a longer period. The program calculates monthly payments on the basis of income. In addition, the program forgave balances after 25 years (10 years if the the person chooses employment in public service). The monthly payment calculation, called income-based repayment (IBR), determined by the size of the loan and the persons income.  For some 90 percent of the more than one million people who have already enrolled, the IRB works out to less then 10 percent if their income. The program also caps the payments at 15 percent of a persons income over $16,000 a year (and eliminates payments for people who earn than $16,000)

Proofread Changed
People who have federal student loan can apply for a program from the Department of Education that is intended to give relief to former students with moderate incomes, by sketching the payments out over a longer period. The program calculates monthly payments on the basis of income. In addition, the program forgives balances after 25 years (10 years if the person chooses employment in public service). The monthly payment calculation, called income-based repayment (IBR) is determined by the size of the loan and the persons income.  For example, 90 percent of one million people who have already enrolled, the IRB works out to less then 10 percent of their income. The program also caps the payments at 15 percent of a persons income over $16,000 a year (and eliminates payments for people who earn than $16,000)

Digital Application

I want to use Prezi for my Project 1 because I feel like it be easier to use and represent my project. I also have some experience with Prezi not a lot and it be helpful to learn more about this digital application. I feel like it will help me learn how to be organized and also learn how to present strong presentation in the future in my career.