Saturday, August 27, 2016

DD1HW8 Chapter 14

Description of Agriculture and Life Science Website

Summary: Purpose of this is to inform the reader how the Agriculture and Life Science website is like visually and be given a clear description on the websites, accessibility, professionalism and organization.

Discussion: My college is the Agriculture and Life Science college and as study the website for the college some things that catches my eyes is how organized the website it. They have the most important aspects of the colleges listed in a line by category such as frequent questions, who to contact for specific information and requirements for the majors the college offers. The accessibility is great because it has each information that you can access labeled. The appearance is of the website also shows professionalism as if they know what is important to help the student with what information they need. They also have pictures which show what the college is about with picture of a happy community helping others. Overall, the website is organized and clean and certain information that I need to know are easy to access.

Recommendation: I would like to discuss how important it is to know how to read a website to understand how accessible the information is that it is trying to share and if the visualization helps the reader understand where to look for the information they need.

I revised how the discussion was organized instead of just sharing a statement.It shows how using a memo can be quick to help a reader get the information they need quickly without the hassle of reading too much information. I revised it in a way to be straight to the point and it helped to follow to memos guidelines on chapter 14.

DD1HW6 Chapter 1

My college is the Agriculture and Life Science college and as study the website for the college some things that catches my eyes is how organized the website it. They have the most important aspects of the colleges listed in a line by category such as frequent questions, who to contact for specific information and requirements for the majors the college offers. The accessibility is great because it has each information that you can access labeled. The appearance is of the website also shows professionalism as if they know what is important to help the student with what information they need. They also have pictures which show what the college is about with picture of a happy community helping others. Overall, the website is organized and clean and certain information that I need to know are easy to access.

DD1HW2 Introduction

My name is Miguel Machado and I am majoring in Family Studies and Human Development. I want to be a social worker for kids in foster care because I strongly believe that I am meant to make a difference in this world.